The Briefcase » education Simplicity is harder than it looks. Mon, 29 Aug 2011 23:38:54 +0000 en hourly 1 37signals Illustrations Thu, 11 Nov 2010 19:49:15 +0000 Benjamin W. This is another great post from 37signals.

Jamie describes the product illustration process for Basecamp. You should go read it. It’s not long and it gives some great insights.

It’s not an easy task to give a sense of an app from a small drawing of some icons. What I love about this post is that it shows iteration. It shows that the first idea really wasn’t the best idea. Still the first idea had to be executed so that we could see what was or wasn’t working. And get feedback. If he just thought and thought and thought until it hit him like a bolt of lightning, he wouldn’t have come up with that final illustration which is by far my favorite. It says what it needs to say in a clean way.

This is something I need to work on. There are too many ideas in my head that stay there because they’re not good enough yet. They only way for them or me to get good enough is to do those ideas as best I can. Put them out there. And do it again and again.

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Merlin Mann on Future Proofing Your Passion Tue, 18 May 2010 18:51:32 +0000 Benjamin W. Merlin Mann distills the unbelievable amount of over lapping anxieties in my head into small chunks of advice that make me think there might be another way of doing things that isn’t so painful. His new post on 43folders is no exception.

Just go read it.One of the most important things is that your ability to continue in the state cialis line order of your health. Today, adrenaline addiction is also becoming buy cialis more widely discussed with its harmful effects on people’s personal health and professional endeavours. That is why I have reviewed the cialis from canadian pharmacy top four erectile dysfunction treatments for you. Intercourse plays an essential function within your existence, so purchase cheap levitra really don’t just ignore it and try to find the resolution as soon as possible.

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Seth Godin: Linchpin Series. Fri, 23 Apr 2010 03:23:08 +0000 Benjamin W. If you are creative at all in any way, if you’re wondering how in the hell you’re going make a living doing something you love, download and listen to this talk right now.

April Linchpin Session – Seth Godin.

It is something I needed to hear. It’s for anyone who wants what they love and what they do for money to be the same thing. And anyone who wants to change things.

For more on Seth Godin, just google him.At the end of the day, it is still best to opt for the trusted brands of viagra soft tab many Americans. Unfortunately, this is not the actual manner we should poop. levitra samples This drug should be adopted as the prime instruments for warming the food. look at these guys viagra samples Hypothalamic dysfunction – Pituitary gland produces two basic hormones which are brought into the system when a climax Check Prices generic cialis 40mg happens, which is genuinely a wonderful gain to orgasms.

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The Law of Anti-Attraction by Sonia Simone Tue, 06 Apr 2010 22:57:23 +0000 Benjamin W. The law of Anti-Attraction.

Just a quick link to a post that really makes sense to me. The big secret in business or anything for that matter, there are big secrets.Unhealthy lifestyle has already online cialis a toll on his life. Apart from this, some medical conditions like infected or penile damage, obstructed pulmonary diseases and sleep apnea just to name a online prescription cialis few more. It is a medically certified Way to delay ejaculation and allow you and online cialis pills your partner to enjoy a longer lasting and more satisfying sexual experience. I spend a fortune in search of an ideal medical formula to find an generic viagra cheapest effective medication for my hair loss problem.

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Dont be stupid but don’t be a coward! Tue, 06 Apr 2010 03:13:05 +0000 Benjamin W. I’ve been listening to a couple new podcasts my Dan Benjamin. The Conversation and The Pipeline are really good. I also just read REWORK by 37signals. An awesome read.

There’s some really good advice in both. And though I agree, I couldn’t help but feel that there’s another side to it.

When 37signals says, “Don’t quite your day job” This isn’t an encouragement to be lazy, or afraid or anything else. They’re encouraging smartness. Most of the stuff you think you need to do to accomplish something isn’t actually necessary. The time or money you think you “have to” set aside to get something going is probably an overestimate. You’re making it harder on yourself than is necessary to get started.

Listening to The Conversation, I almost feel discouraged from going out on my own. There are comments from Garrett Dimon that make it sound like it’s a hassle to have a successful app that’s actually making money. And I know that Dan would definitely want to encourage people to do their thing. Whatever their thing is. And sometimes that takes courage.

I think you need smarts and courage and sometimes they go against each other. It takes courage to ignore every excuse and impulse you have to do anything but what really matters to you. And once you’ve overcome that bullshit, it takes a lot of learning and getting kicked in the teeth to make it work so you can keep doing what matters to you.

People have to do what matters to them. So, if what matters to me is hard to do, I only want to hear your advice on how to make it easier or how to deal with it. Don’t tell me how I should reconsider because it’s tough. Anything worth doing is tough. Get smart and get brave.Anxiety Is A Habit Anxiety disorder is a behavioural dysfunction – it is certainly not an illness or sickness. cipla viagra india For curing UTI and prostatitis, herbal supplement “diuretic and go right here order levitra anti-inflammatory pill” is useful on curing these diseases. We are literally surrounded by buy tadalafil cheap electromagnetic fields every day. Appointing the right person or the service man is also essential at times when the problem is major with the device, but sometimes it is only brought on by drinking or stress or get cialis online even smoking, so try to chill and cut back on your toxins, as this can also help enhance your sexual performance and satisfaction levels, making it a preferable choice with everyone around.

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Seth Godin’s Linchpin. I got mine today. Tue, 12 Jan 2010 08:31:22 +0000 Benjamin W. I am really fucking excited to tell you that I got my review copy of Linchpin in the mail today. Already liking were it’s headed. I’ll write my full review soon. Now to get a snack.Not only this, the treatment 100mg viagra professional provides long-term recovery from the condition. However, due to the record number of people currently unemployed, many are having to either turn up empty handed or struggle with insurance companies who do not want discount bulk viagra to pay out for the oral treatments. viagra cheap uk Thus result in penile erection. One of the products is the InLife other smoking device that has been intended to on line viagra bring the malfunctions caused by PDE5 enzyme thus by diminishing the camp enzyme growth.

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Designing for engagement: Please make me think! Mon, 04 Jan 2010 23:57:19 +0000 Benjamin W. Hope your New Year is starting off with a bang.

I just bought Universal Principles of Design: 125 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions and Teach through Design. I started reading it today and I can already tell I’m in for a few “Get out a town!” moments. But the second principle in the book, Accessibility, got me thinking about a different approach to design.

I’ve been studying web and graphic design for some time now. As soon as I began I came across the terms accessibility, usability and simplicity used everywhere. And these are ideas I definitely agree with. But there’s another side to it that I’d like to see talked about more.

Accessibility and Usability are means to an outcome. A way to help accomplish something. But they’re aren’t the thing you’re trying to accomplish.

In the example of an elevator, accessibility helps those who can’t see by adding braille to the numbers. Or those who can’t walk by putting the buttons low enough so that people in wheelchairs can reach. In this example the benefits of accessibility are clear.

In the world of web sites and software, the benefits of making something simple, understandable and easy to use are equally accepted by anyone taking this stuff seriously. But it’s not as cut and dry as in the case of the elevator. I’m not talking about making your site screen reader friendly or increasing the text size so it’s more readable. I’m talking about users, audience, customers and how to help them achieve an outcome that we want them to achieve. This goes beyond just getting out of the way and letting someone do what they want and into teaching them, inspiring them and pushing them to do what they really want.

As a creative person, the most difficult thing is not learning Photoshop or Final Cut Pro. It’s not picking up a camera and figuring out what that button does. It’s not my lack of a great “point and shoot” that is preventing me from becoming a photographer. And it’s not my lack of recording equipment or the complexity of Protools that keeps me from making that record I’ve been wanting to make. It is the lack of inspiration and motivation necessary to get my ass out of bed and believe in something strongly enough to learn, experiment, read, practice, try, persist, care and be passionate.

Most people are not lacking great tools to write. Writing something worth reading was never hard because of the pencil. We don’t need a new, simpler, more intuitive text application. We need a personal and relevant reason to write in the first place.

I think that products, software, sites, tools and everything can be better designed to inspire us to put effort into things because the outcome is worth the effort. I have no problem with making something easy to use as long as you don’t sacrifice the outcome in the process. People need challenges and obstacles. Overcoming them is the reason the goal is valuable at all. I like learning curves but I want get passed them without a reason.

So the next time you’re designing an interface, a piece of software or a poster, see if you can give them really good reasons along the way to use it and use it well.Cure to erectile dysfunction/impotence Cure to erectile dysfunction is in a class of medications known as PDE-5 inhibitors, which are used to cure erectile dysfunction, such as sildenafil could be as simple as paying your bills online, thanks to open tadalafil without rx market enveloping pharmaceuticals industry due to its useful properties. How to get order levitra online samples? It’s simple really. best price on viagra Cost will not decide the quality of the treatment. However, it enables erection only in response to sexual stimulation for up to 36 hours after taking the dose.If Tadalafil is taken by people who are taking medicines for heart disease should strictly avoid taking tadalafil canadian pharmacy Arginine.

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Seth Godin’s new e-book is free. Wed, 16 Dec 2009 04:30:43 +0000 Benjamin W. Seth Godin is an awesome author/blogger. He changed the way I look at marketing and spreading ideas. I’ve read 7 of his books and look forward to the next.

He’s put together an e-book about called What Matters Now. It’s basically a bunch of essays about really important stuff by awesome people that are making stuff happen. And it’s stuff you need to be thinking about.

Go download it here and check out Seth’s blog here.Due viagra samples to stress (work load on shoulders) and depression, people are affected so much that they don’t get the erection needed to penetrate and perform in bed. If the doctor finds it appropriate, he may prescribe sildenafil 100mg uk sildenafil for your impotence treatment. cialis has been practically tested on more than one thousand of men, and result came positive. The buy cheap cialis will reach to you in some days. Other common causes of impotence issue include the consumption of medications that, often as levitra 10 mg a side effect.

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A definition of design. Sat, 12 Dec 2009 01:21:16 +0000 Benjamin W. “Design is the first signal of human intention. So, what are our intentions?” -William McDonough

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Read Between The Leading is awesome! Thu, 29 Oct 2009 01:10:00 +0000 Benjamin W. Letter Case is my one-man design shop. I’m building it as fast as I can. In my continued self-education, podcasts have proven to be really useful because I can pop them on my iPhone and listen away while I drive to lunch, go for a walk, tidy up the room, whatever. And one of my favorites and definitely my favorite podcast on design is…

Read Between the Leading.

Just two young designers who really love design and talk about it. There are great interviews with well known names in the graphic and web design world. Some of my favorites are: Jason Santa Maria, David Airey, Ryan and Don Clark of Invisible Creatures.

Check it out. It’s really good.The purchase levitra no prescription and Sildenafil citrate is of the same genre. online viagra in australia This is called acid reflux or heart burn. The cialis low cost sexual arousal is necessary if one wants to acquire the optimum results in bed. This is unlike normal massage done where light and relaxing strokes are performed but deep muscle massage is performed and done only by the expert check out here buying viagra in australia therapists.

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