The Briefcase » film/video Simplicity is harder than it looks. Mon, 29 Aug 2011 23:38:54 +0000 en hourly 1 Windows Phone 7 Mon, 11 Oct 2010 21:05:29 +0000 Benjamin W. So, I really want Windows Phone 7 to be awesome. I feel bad even saying that out loud but it’s the best looking, non-iPhone OS I’ve seen. And it may be awesome but…

How can I trust a company to make an amazing, polished, fresh approach to a mobile OS when they put this video in their presskit.

I don’t even know where to begin. This is their big unveiling? There is just nothing sexy or clear about the points Ballmer makes. I have no idea after watching this why I should care about Windows Phone 7. Here are some choice samples:

So the range of things that people will do with these devices… And they are beautiful. Each in it’s own way, exceptionally beautiful. The hardware and the way the software is always delightful across each and everyone of these experiences.

Give me a break. You really think the integration of hardware and software is a battle you should bother fighting at all? And beautiful? I can barely tell the difference between any of these and the only reason I can at all, is that they have the manufacturers logo on the face of every single one. And here’s another classic:

We wanted the Windows Phone to be always delightful for you. Whether you were looking for a place to eat, reading mail, catching up with friends or making a phone call for example.

I think that last one was a jab at the iPhone 4 but I couldn’t tell in the way Ballmer was reading the teleprompter. I just want to feel like Windows Phone 7 stands for something. And right now, I’m feeling really let down.

I wasn’t going to make the switch from my iPhone 4 but then I saw this video and realized, Microsoft does get me. 326 pixels per inch, who fucking cares? Emoticons baby!

via Daring Fireball and Engadget

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‘The Wilderness Downtown’ by Chris Milk Wed, 01 Sep 2010 19:15:10 +0000 Benjamin W. When you get a sec, go and watch this. We need more videos like this.

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Don’t see Valentine’s Day! Wed, 17 Feb 2010 19:28:05 +0000 Benjamin W. If you’ve been fortunate enough to miss the movie Valentine’s Day on Valentine’s Day weekend, Fuck! that makes me hate it even more. Sorry. If you’ve somehow managed to skip this joke of a film, good for you. Clear your mind of any idea that it might be good for you or your loved one. Let it go.

I know all about the chick flick thing. I was made fun of in school for the chick flick thing. The crying. The true love. Hey, I still get teary eyed when the little boy is running through the airport in Love Actually. So, I’ll say it again.

Skip Valentine’s Day. It left me wondering, as I watched it, how this movie was ever made at all. It’s not romantic. It’s not endearing. And you’re lady will hate it too.Substance abuse is known for damaging blood vessels, which cialis prescription online includes those that feed the penile, and which can also be utilized by senior males all throughout the planet. Well, it can be one of the strongest ingredients which Kamagra sildenafil generic cheap have in its composition. But, in some incidence surgical implants or electric penile stimulation viagra online is needed to achieve erection. The platelets which enter viagra ordination check out for info the bloodstream from the marrow have a circulating life of about ten days.

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Film Festival Laurels – EPS Fri, 05 Feb 2010 08:08:38 +0000 Benjamin W. I went on a search for the award laurels you see on DVD covers that have made the rounds in the independent film festival circuit. I didn’t find anything good accept a POS cdr file. Not a fan of the Corel as a result. Impossible to convert on my Mac without jumping through a bunch of holes.

Anyhoo, I found the laurels in a DVD cover I was doing and decided to post them here. Enjoy.

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