Don’t see Valentine’s Day!

Benjamin W.

February 17, 2010

If you’ve been fortunate enough to miss the movie Valentine’s Day on Valentine’s Day weekend, Fuck! that makes me hate it even more. Sorry. If you’ve somehow managed to skip this joke of a film, good for you. Clear your mind of any idea that it might be good for you or your loved one. Let it go.

I know all about the chick flick thing. I was made fun of in school for the chick flick thing. The crying. The true love. Hey, I still get teary eyed when the little boy is running through the airport in Love Actually. So, I’ll say it again.

Skip Valentine’s Day. It left me wondering, as I watched it, how this movie was ever made at all. It’s not romantic. It’s not endearing. And you’re lady will hate it too.Substance abuse is known for damaging blood vessels, which cialis prescription online includes those that feed the penile, and which can also be utilized by senior males all throughout the planet. Well, it can be one of the strongest ingredients which Kamagra sildenafil generic cheap have in its composition. But, in some incidence surgical implants or electric penile stimulation viagra online is needed to achieve erection. The platelets which enter viagra ordination check out for info the bloodstream from the marrow have a circulating life of about ten days.

Letter Case

Graphic Design & Web Design

Letter Case was my one-man design shop based in Los Angeles, CA.
I ran it for 2 years until I joined Typekit in January 2011.

In my spare time I've been learning to program by building my first web application.
A simple tool called Talkative to help people publish their talks on the web.

My current project is The Briefcase. A blog and podcast.
It's a place for me to create and publish stuff.

If you have any comments, thoughts or questions,
feel free to contact me at: benthomaswelch [at]

Thanks for checking out my blog. Cheers!

Simplicity is harder than it looks.