Passion vs. Convenience

Benjamin W.

September 8, 2009

Convenience is the lack of things in your way. Passion is the degree that you care about the things you do.

I believe that every choice we make online or offline is based on this. As passion increases, our need for convenience gets pushed aside. As more things get in our way, our passions are put to the test.

Example: People tend to choose the easier option (Dominos) unless they care enough to go for the best (Famous Ray’s of Greenwich Village. 465 6th Ave, New York).

Both are a part of every design challenge but I think passion is king. I like to help people do what they actually care about. And just because continuing to use IE is convenient, doesn’t mean you should subject yourself to it.The study shows that although ED is most common in men that are found with diabetes. tab viagra 100mg Put a drop of careprost in effected eye and lay down for few minutes and you may feel burning inside your viagra order uk eyes but don’t worry, it would be only for 2 to 3 minutes. It ensures continuous supply cheap cialis 20mg of energy to reproductive organs to recover from bad effects of excessive self pleasure. In spite of being afraid, they should accept the situation and try another time with buy viagra in uk more positive approach.

Letter Case

Graphic Design & Web Design

Letter Case was my one-man design shop based in Los Angeles, CA.
I ran it for 2 years until I joined Typekit in January 2011.

In my spare time I've been learning to program by building my first web application.
A simple tool called Talkative to help people publish their talks on the web.

My current project is The Briefcase. A blog and podcast.
It's a place for me to create and publish stuff.

If you have any comments, thoughts or questions,
feel free to contact me at: benthomaswelch [at]

Thanks for checking out my blog. Cheers!

Simplicity is harder than it looks.