Seth Godin’s new e-book is free.

Benjamin W.

December 15, 2009

Seth Godin is an awesome author/blogger. He changed the way I look at marketing and spreading ideas. I’ve read 7 of his books and look forward to the next.

He’s put together an e-book about called What Matters Now. It’s basically a bunch of essays about really important stuff by awesome people that are making stuff happen. And it’s stuff you need to be thinking about.

Go download it here and check out Seth’s blog here.Due viagra samples to stress (work load on shoulders) and depression, people are affected so much that they don’t get the erection needed to penetrate and perform in bed. If the doctor finds it appropriate, he may prescribe sildenafil 100mg uk sildenafil for your impotence treatment. cialis has been practically tested on more than one thousand of men, and result came positive. The buy cheap cialis will reach to you in some days. Other common causes of impotence issue include the consumption of medications that, often as levitra 10 mg a side effect.

Letter Case

Graphic Design & Web Design

Letter Case was my one-man design shop based in Los Angeles, CA.
I ran it for 2 years until I joined Typekit in January 2011.

In my spare time I've been learning to program by building my first web application.
A simple tool called Talkative to help people publish their talks on the web.

My current project is The Briefcase. A blog and podcast.
It's a place for me to create and publish stuff.

If you have any comments, thoughts or questions,
feel free to contact me at: benthomaswelch [at]

Thanks for checking out my blog. Cheers!

Simplicity is harder than it looks.